Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bullies suck!

Today was a l-o-n-g day and I am exhausted. I took pictures which I will post later. Unfortunately, we did not stay to see one single play of the game. Lovebug had to be checked in 4 hours prior to kick-off and that took all of Baby Girl's patience.

On another note, to all you bully little girls: Karma is a bitch! Lovebug is so tender hearted and I KNOW she needs to toughen up, however that does not stop my heart from breaking when she comes home in tears because of her frienemy! And really, at this age I just was not at all prepared for such behavior. Why young lady must you ignore my child when she is speaking to you as if you don't hear her at all? Why must you only have negative comments to say to her to degrade her in front of all the other neighborhood children? Why do you think it's ok to share secrets with all the other little girls in front of my child and deliberately leave her out? And if it's so important for you to NOT acknowledge my child then why, do tell, must you come to every place my child is playing? What is it that you are missing in you own life that makes you feel so inclined to treat others so poorly? Does it really make you feel better to see another person so hurt? I've seen how people like you turn out as they get older and let me tell you, happiness isn't found through trying to bring others down to your level. Rather it just makes you appear bitter, which is never attractive, no matter what the people who are too afraid to stand up to you say. The predicament lies in the fact that this child's parents and Hubby and I are neighborhood friends. I'm feeling like getting all Mama Bear on someone and we all know that is not the right line of action and I shouldn't even be having the fantasies of doing so, but I can't help it.


Belle (from Life of a...) said...

and you know...girls are SO much worse than boys. We just didn't go through that with Legare but with Lorelai,oh my was like riding on a roller coaster. You might want to see about reading the book Queen Bees and Wannabes. It gave me quite a bit of insight into this phenomenon that I had absolutely no recollection of from my childhood.

The wife said...

Thank you Belle for the book recommendation. I will definitely be making that purchase. I remember some of this once I hit middle school and up, but not when I was 6!! I've been looking into female aggression and it's amazing how this behavior transcends into adulthood (toxic friend issue that I had mentioned before!). I'll keep you all posted.

ilovepink said...

Poor baby!!! I felt that way Friday. My little one was at a park and thought she had found a friend to play with. The little girl turned around and shouted, "stop following me!" My baby just bawled! It hurts the mommies even worse I think!!!!