Wednesday, October 1, 2008


Today I'm enjoying my morning home alone and my cell phone shows that I have a message. I check it and it's hear them tell me that I owe, brace yourselves, $4007!!!! DO WHAT?!!?! Small stroke later and Hubby is now at the Verizon store trying to get to the bottom of this. Mind you this would be for ONE month!! How would/could this happen?

eta: Hubby went to the Verizon store and apparently when he switched to his new phone (one of the new Blackberries) there was a package that went along with it, which he purchased. However, when they went to apply this package there was an error and they never tried again to apply it. Hence, every two minutes his phone was doing a search to update information---which totaled over 10,000 minutes in one month when added to our other calls, etc. It's worked out now, but Jesus, I think I should sue them for emotional distress!!


Belle (from Life of a...) said...

SURELY that is a mistake!

The Adventures of Maverick & the Mrs. said...

WHOA! I would've passed out! Glad they straightened it out for you guys!

The Pink Owl said...

Oh my god! I would have probably died on the spot! Glad it got worked out. :)

Pink Flamingo said...

Oh my goodness! I'm so glad to hear that you got that worked out...I would've it is, I cringe each month when my cell bill comes! :)