Thursday, January 7, 2010

Hello, My name is...

the Wife and I am addicted to Jersey Shore and any and all of the Real Housewives. I feel my brain turning to mush as I type this.

eta: Just saw on the Huffington Post that Simon has filed for divorce from Tamara on the basis of infidelity. Interesting....


Grace said...

Wow! Infidelity? Interest.

Actually, I'm not surprise.

dreaming in pink and green said...

haha I know...mind numbing shows are addicting to me too :)

Charlotte said...

WOW!!! Thanks for keeping me in the loop!!!!

just ask beth said...

Love Jersey Shore I think WE have "a situation"!! Lol Tamara is trash and the new girl her husband controls the living crap out of her, I find that gross!

Melanie said...

I just came over from another blog and I will say that I too am addicted to all of the Housewives shows. I heard that Tamara was seeing her ex husband:) I thought it was funny that she was saying she didn't want to be 42, divorced, and living in a condo. Then the next day Simon filed for divorce. She better get a JOB!